Sally Hronek and her nephew Kyle McGurk
on the photo above to see a video of Erin and the Tippecanoe
Elementary School band.
Yours truly asking, "Can I use this if I am reeeeeeealllly
careful Sand?"
Mike Hronek, Linda Hronek, and Kyle
Lori Hronek and her nephew Justin Hronek
Erin, Sally and husband Mike Hronek, Breanna, and
Grandma Betty Hronek
Grandma Martha Hyden, Kathy McGurk and brother Kyle,
Kathy's mom Chris, Me and Grandma Betty Hronek
Brandon Hronek, Kyle, Kathy, and Erin
Sandy is between Joe Hronek and his wife Linda.Joe
and linda are Brandon and Justin's parents.
Martha and Joe
Breanna, Sally and Sandy
Nice trick with the french fry Kathy...now can you
put the straw in the other nostrill?
The leaning tower of children...Kyle, Erin, Kathy,
and Breanna.
Everybody's favorite store...
"Tell me uncle Joe, did you really play tight
end for the Packers when you were younger?"
The cousins, with Grandma Betty Hronek.
Middle row left to right: Kyle Mcgurk, Erin Hyden,
and Kathy McGurk.
Back row left to right: Brandon and Justin Hronek
and Breanna.
My son, Steven